Web Development Courses

Web Development Courses
Web Development Courses

Contents for HTML

  • Getting Started: What you need to do to get going and make your first HTML page.
  • Tags, Attributes and Elements: The stuff that makes up HTML.
  • Page Titles: Titles. For Pages. A difficult concept, we know…
  • Paragraphs: Structuring your content with paragraphs.
  • Headings: The six levels of headings.
  • Lists: How to define ordered and unordered lists.
  • Links: How to makes links to other pages, and elsewhere.
  • Images: Adding something a bit more than text…
  • Tables: How to use tabular data.
  • Forms: Text boxes and other user-input thingamajigs.
  • Putting It All Together: Taking all of the above stuff and shoving it together. Sort of in a recap groove.

Dreamweaver CS3 Tutorial for Beginners

Step 1: Define a new site in Dreamweaver

Step 2: Create a Dreamweaver Template
Step 3: Create the Page Layout in the Dreamweaver Template
Step 4: Create the CSS Style Sheet
Step 5: Insert Common Elements into the Dreamweaver Template:Text & Images
Step 6: Create Libraries or Server Side Includes
Step 7: Define the Editable Regions of the Template
Step 8: Create the HTML Pages of the Site with Content/ Forms 

Step 9: Link the Pages

Step 10: Test the Site Locally and Upload Online to the Hosting Server
Project 1: Table Based Layout Website
Project 2: DIV/ CSS/ Tableless Layout Based Website
Project 3 : Website with Server Side Includes
Spry Tutorial

Free Dreamweaver CS3 Templates

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