Graphic Designing Courses


This course is designed for students with little or no experience using CorelDRAW 12. Students will use their knowledge of graphical design in conjunction with the basic features of CorelDRAW to create engaging and dynamic drawings.


A basic understanding of the computer operating system you are using is recommended.

Course Outline
Lesson 1: Introduction
  • What is CorelDRAW 12
  • Course Objectives
  • How to Use the Manual
  • How to Install the Exercise Files
Lesson 2: Getting Started
  • Exploring the CorelDRAW Screen
  • Getting Assistance
  • File Management
  • Setting Up the Page
Lesson 3: Moving Around and Viewing Drawings
  • Moving Around the Current Page
  • Viewing Modes
  • Inserting and Deleting Pages
  • Changing Pages
Lesson 4: Selecting & Manipulating Objects
  • Selecting and Deselecting Objects
  • Moving Objects
  • Copying and Deleting Objects
  • Deleting Objects
  • Sizing Objects
Lesson 5: Drawing and Shaping Objects
  • Drawing and Shaping Tools
  • Using the Freehand Tool
  • Drawing Lines and Polylines
  • Drawing Freehand Polygons
  • Drawing Perfect Shapes
  • Reshaping Lines and Polylines
  • Drawing Curves
  • Reshaping Curves
  • Drawing Rectangles
  • Drawing Circles
Lesson 6: Arranging Objects
  • Arranging Objects
  • Grouping and Ungrouping Objects
  • Using Guidelines
  • Using Snap To
  • Aligning Objects
Lesson 7: Working with Text
  • The Text Tool
  • Creating Artistic Text
  • Editing Text Formatting Text
  • Setting Text Options
  • Creating Paragraph Text
  • Choosing Paragraph Options
  • Setting Indents Using the Ruler
  • Importing Text
  • Using the Spell Checker
Lesson 8: Outlining & Filling Objects
  • The Outline Tool
  • Choosing Outline Thicknesses
  • Choosing Outline Colours
  • Using Fill Tool
  • Copying Attributes
  • Setting Outline and Fill Defaults
Lesson 9: Using Symbols and Clipart
 | Hope academy Bilal Town Sada e Pakistan Church
  • Inserting Text Symbols
  • Adding Clipart
  • Modifying Clipart
  • Using the Scrapbook to Search for Clipart
Lesson 10: Transforming Objects
  • Mirroring Objects
  • Rotating and Skewing Objects
  • Using Transform Docker
Lesson 11: Special Effects
  • Fitting Text to a Path
  • Drawing With the Artistic Media Tool
  • Shaping an Object with an Envelope
  • Extruding an Object
  • Blending Two Objects
  • Using the Lens Effect
  • Adding Perspectives
  • Using PowerClips
  • Applying Contours
  • Applying Drop Shadows
Lesson 12: Exporting Drawings
  • Exporting to Graphic Formats
  • Copy and Pasting Into Other Applications
Lesson 13: Printing
  • Print Options
  • Print Previewing

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